Legal Notice
In order to comply with the provisions of Law 34/2011 of July 11, 2011, on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce, the general information of the website is indicated below:
Owner: Legal Audit, S.L.
CIF: B-92891597
Address: Pasaje Linaje nº 3 portal 1, 1ª planta 29001 Málaga
Phone: +34 952 00 02 21
Registry data: Malaga Mercantile Registry, Volume 4423, Folio 89, Page MA-94727.
All intellectual property rights of the contents of this website, and of the works displayed on it, its graphic design and source codes, are the exclusive property of LEGAL AUDIT, S.L., and LEGAL AUDIT, S.L. has the exclusive rights to exploit them. Therefore, its reproduction, distribution, public communication and total or partial transformation, without the express authorization of LEGAL AUDIT, S.L., is prohibited. Likewise, all trade names, trademarks or distinctive signs of any kind contained in this web site are protected by law.
The visitor admits and accepts that the industrial and intellectual property rights over the contents and/or any other elements included in the website are owned by LEGAL AUDIT, S.L., and/or third parties. Unless expressly stated otherwise, in no case does the consultation of the website imply any kind of waiver, transmission, license or total or partial transfer of such rights.